Author Archives: SubEWL

About SubEWL

Floyd Rupple is a memory

The anniversary of her monster’s death.

A few weeks ago I was jolted back into the memory when I was messaged on Facebook:

Hi you don’t know me but I work for veolia in philly. I worked under that monster Floyd rupple and I know about the story of what he did to your family. I just want you to know, I just heard about his passing, I’m glad to hear he’s no longer a threat to your sister. I could just imagine the kind of hurt he caused just by the simple fact of his total disregard for human life. He treated us as employees like pieces of dog shit and was the biggest scumbag I’ve ever met!!! Again I just wanted to send my regards to you and your family and I’m glad that weight has been lifted off your shoulders

Everybody at our plant despised that monster. We had a party the day they “let him go” and transferred him out of here!!! Basically veolia was pressured into getting rid of him because of what he did!! Karma got his ass in the end though!!!

Noted, for posterity.

De mortuis nil nisi bonum

“Of the dead, nothing unless good”… the aphorism has a long history. And I suppose, as relates to misdemeanors, acceptable. But as Sigmund Freud said, “This consideration for the dead, which he really no longer needs, is more important to us than the truth, and, to most of us, certainly, it is more important than consideration for the living.”

On Sunday, May 1st,  there is to be a service at Goshen Baptist Church for the pedophile Floyd Rupple. One of the living, whose truth will be banished, is Suzanne Mosley. The only living people to be considered are those who agree to keep the victim’s story muted. Truth is not welcome.

Yet remember Shakespeare:

“The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones.”

The evil Floyd did continues to wreck lives. We will be cleaning up his mess for a long time. Our work is not done.



The victim responds to the death of the child molester:

On Sunday afternoon I found out my sister’s first husband, the man who molested me when I was a child, was found dead in the bathroom of his Florida trailer. I realize this post may open me to criticism, but I feel as if a 100 pound weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I’ll never have to see him again. My children will never have to accidentally run into him at a family function. And I’m so glad he died as afraid, naked, and alone as he made me feel for years.

Link to Facebook post

Where Do Child Molesters Hide?

Where do aged child molesters go to hide from those that know their ways? Probably in the direction others go to retire, in order to hide with the crowd. And maybe a place where there’s a higher percentage of transient children.

Walt Disney World is known to check their visitor database against those of sexual offenders, and to deny access to those that match. A statement from Disney reads: mickey-cinderella-castle-walt-disney-world-m

“While we do not share specific details of our security procedures, we are constantly strengthening our efforts so we can promote a safe environment for all our guests.”

There are many registered sex offenders living near the resort. The state provides a web site for easily mapping their location. Selection_011Here’s a sample image of some, in the maximum 5 mile radius I was able to query.

But as we know, there are many more unregistered. Existing on no database for Disney to check. For these child molesters that have escaped justice there are only private efforts to warn.

And so the blogging continues.

Polk County, Florida Sexual Offenders


Polk County, FL Sheriff Grady Judd does his best to guard the children in his community. Judd has made it his ultimate mission to protect Polk County from the “sexual predators” and “deviants” that threaten the safety of his home. On Facebook and Twitter, the sheriff makes his case:

Roaches hide under rocks, and criminals like to hide when they commit their criminal behavior. With Twitter and Facebook, we kick the rocks over and we provide sunshine. The roaches scurry, but it also gives the community the opportunity to see them and report it.

Selection_010Sheriff Judd also hosts an online database where sexual predators can be searched. One can search by Name, City, Non-compliant, Internet Names/Email, and Phone Numbers. For example, in Davenport, FL today, I see 59 offenders listed.

But remember, as with Bill Cosby, not all offenders get caught. A case could be made that the database only lists the dumb offenders. The most devious are never charged with a crime. So Sheriff Judd’s database is likely missing many, many offenders.

And one in particular.

The Silence of Amy

Sexual abuse is no longer a hidden secretIt’s been a couple weeks since my post asking Amy Rubei the whereabouts of the pedophile Floyd Rupple. There has been no response. Amy continues to protect the child molester.

And consequently, Amy continues to shun her sister. The contempt Amy shows to the victim of her ex-husband’s perversion is sickening. Amy is a reprehensible sister.

Suzanne’s offense? She spoke. What Amy is teaching us, by example, is that the proper response to sexual abuse is silence. At the least… at worst, she’s promoting that it should be acceptable for men be able to sexually play with 12 year old girls.

As long as they perform well as fathers. Take care of your own kids well, and you’re free to sexually abuse anyone else’s kids. A good dad is more important than, even pardons, ejaculating on a 12 year old girl. These are what your actions prove. Amy, no matter Floyd’s fathering skills, you are a shitty mother. Your poor kids, and grandkids, deserve better.

If Floyd Rupple is such a good man, why did you divorce him? You get yourself out of the mess, but leave your kids in it?

You should be championing your sister. You should be proud of what your baby sister has accomplished. When her book is published, you should promote it. I can dream.

All Kinds of Mothers

anneramsay_4x4Mother’s Day is uniquely special in our family. It is the day that my sister, Amy Rubei, chose to split the family. For Amy it was just a graduation party. But for some of us, the pedophile on the guest list was outrageous.

This wasn’t the first time. Previously Amy had married off a daughter in a hidden location so that the child molester wouldn’t be confronted. Not only did Amy refuse her mother’s wish to attend the wedding, she refused our mother’s offer to pay for a second celebration, sans pervert, where all could attend. Amy will not tolerate dissent of her convoluted fantasy.

Not only did she split our family, she split mine. Both my wife, and a few children, couldn’t accept my public action against the child molester. Eventually Amy’s drugs wore off and my wife woke up. The kids will figure out their aunt in their own time.

Every family has issues. Many differences can be tolerated. Some say that all differences should be tolerated. For me, there are a few things stronger than family.

Pedophile Enabling

married_a_pedophile_4x6My family’s first dealings with the child molester, Floyd Rupple, were awkward. My father accepted his lying confession and with minimal consequences, kept him in the family. Even to the extent of allowing continued access to his victim.

When he should/would have been in prison, he was free to go about as though it never happened. Floyd’s kids Nathan, Alex, Ashley, Victoria and Allyson have only their aunt Suzanne’s silence over the years to thank for the apparent normalcy of their childhood.

Amy chose to stay with the pedophile, even to the extent of having two more children by him. While she eventually divorced him, the reasons are not clear.

But even with this awful past, eventually some in the family woke up. Of course, we missed prosecuting the criminal by a couple years. But our actions had their effect. Noise was made. His employer jumped. His neighbors screamed.

And recovery would have been nearly complete, but for Amy Rubei. What we didn’t understand was that after all these years of living her lie, Amy was willing to split the family over whether a pedophile could be treated as a pedophile. You don’t get permission to enter Amy’s sphere unless you genuflect to her pervert.

I can understand enabling someone to recover from awful behavior. But as with alcoholics, the first step is to acknowledge and own your problem. Which is where Floyd may have started. But after living in Amy’s lie for all these years, something changed. He was emboldened.

Floyd spent thousands of dollars on Amy’s fantasy. Floyd pleaded with the judge to muzzle me in order to keep alive that fantasy. Floyd Rupple even became a criminal liar. I have the proof here. He denies each and every account of his sexual molestation of Suzanne. But those dollars were wasted. The judge ruled that we’re free to publicly shout “PEDOPHILE” in Floyd Rupple’s locale.

We now see that Amy encourages and enables this lie. It was a sure progression from a crying confession through denial to a judge. Amy has masterfully manipulated the pedophile.

What’s worse than a Pedophile?

Preventing-Sexual-Abuse-of-Children_5x5It’s not that Amy Rubei lies about Floyd Rupple sexually molesting her 12yo sister. While she supports Floyd’s legal denial, I know that personally she would admit to the fact. What Amy does do is actively suppress that truth.

In some circumstances, concealing truth can be considered criminal. An analogy, if a person “engages in sexual penetration with another person without having first informed the other person that he or she has acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome related complex or is HIV infected, is guilty of a felony.” Placing another person at risk without their consent is serious.

Amy Rubei thinks it acceptable to sneak a pedophile into a state park, where adolescents of same age/gender of his victim are located, with no warning given. When action is taken to warn and the pedophile wises up and offers to leave, Amy tells him “No”. Amy is going to have a pedophile wherever she damn well pleases.

We can argue about the quality of Amy’s parenting, but what is inarguable is that Amy makes it impossible for other parents to care well for their own kids. If you want to keep your kids safe, start with keeping a distance from Amy. While the pedophile himself has a sense of when to run, Amy Rubei has no shame.

Floyd Rupple is a …

Hiding behind happy maskFloyd Rupple has many attributes:

  1. He is a father.
  2. He is an ex-husband.
  3. He is a veteran.
  4. He is a biological grandfather.
  5. He is a native of Colorado.
  6. He is a licensed driver.
  7. He is a college graduate.
  8. He is a nuclear trained engineer.
  9. He is a charitable giver.
  10. He is a pedophile.

How would you reorder this list? Partly it depends on the circumstances surrounding the generation of the list. Is it a résumé? Is it a list of qualifications for public office? Is it a “bio” on a dating site?

What if you discover that Floyd is coaching a children’s softball team? And these kids are the age/gender of one of his victims. And the parents know nothing of #10.

Amy Rubei actively suppresses #10. I guess that she believes that excellent performance at one of the other 9 erases #10. After all, it wasn’t her children that got hurt. Only her parent’s youngest child.